Article 1. Democratic Party of Wisconsin State Constitution
All provisions of the constitution of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin governing county organizations are incorporate herein by reference and made a part hereof.
Article 2. Name
This organization shall be known as the Democratic Party of Racine County, State of Wisconsin, hereinafter called the DPRC.
Article 3. Object and Principles
1. To develop the fullest possible membership in the county unit.
2. To hold regularly schedule meetings.
3. To encourage Democrats to run for elective office.
4. To form and maintain an effective campaign organization.
5. To make recommendations for the State Party platform.
6. To educate our members in the practices of good citizenship and responsibility to the community.
7. To promote the general interests of the Democratic Party.
Article 4. Membership
Section 1. Membership in this county unit shall be open to all residents of Racine County who:
a. Are at least 14 years of age.
b. Subscribe to the principles of the Democratic Party.
c. Pay dues to either the DPRC or the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.
Section 2. The published membership list of the county unit shall be available to any paid member of the Democratic Party of the State of Wisconsin at the discretion of the Executive Board of the Democratic Party of Racine County. Members who do not wish to have their names included in the published list shall so notify the Secretary of the Democratic Party of Racine County.
Article 5. Officers, Trustees, and Executive Board Members
Section 1. This organization shall have the following officers:
a. Chair
b. First Vice-Chair
c. Second Vice-Chair
d. Third Vice-Chair
e. Secretary
f. Treasurer
g. Trustees (2)
h. Sergeant-at-Arms (2)
i. Executive Board Members-at-Large (3)
Section 2. a. The above named officeholders shall be elected for a period of two (2) years by a secret ballot vote of the membership on the day when the regularly scheduled meeting would be held in November of the odd-numbered years.
b. All elections shall be decided by a plurality vote. The winner of the election shall be the candidate who receives the greatest proportion of the votes.
c. The term of office for the above office holders shall commence on January 1st of the even numbered year following the November election. The term of office shall end December 31st of the odd numbered years following the next November election.
d. Each office is elected separately. A member can only run for one office in a single election.
Section 3. The Executive Board of this county unit shall consist of the following:
a. All the officers as stated in Article 5. Section 1.
b. All Standing Committee chairs shall be members of this Executive Board with voice and vote.
c. The Racine County Democratic Statutory Committee Chair shall be a member of the Executive Board with voice and vote.
d. The Chair of the Democratic Youth Caucus of Racine County shall be a member of this Executive Board with voice and vote.
e. The Chair of this county unit shall have the authority to appoint one (1) duty qualified Democrat from each city, incorporated village and township in Racine County, who shall be members of the Executive Board with voice but no vote.
Section 4. The Executive Board shall have the authority to act between membership meetings and the authority to disburse funds in accordance with the objectives of the Democratic Party of Racine County.
Article 6. Removal of Officers and Committee Chairs, Replacement of Officers, Committee Chairs and/Or Expulsion of Members
Section 1. Any officeholder and/or committee chair of the DPRC may be removed from office when any of the following apply:
a. Any officeholder and/or committee chair missing three (3) consecutive meetings of the Executive Board without a valid excuse may be suspended from that office. Excuses are to be ruled upon by the Executive Board. The attendance record of all officers and Executive Board members shall be recorded by the Secretary in the official records of that meeting by the DPRC. A request to be excused must be made to the Chair or Secretary prior to the meeting.
b. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board quorum may remove an Executive Board member, committee chair or officer for malfeasance of office.
c. Any officer, committee chair or Executive Board member may be removed for failure to pay dues within 30 days of membership expiration in the current year.
Section 2. a. Any member of this county unit, as an individual, may endorse any candidate.
Officers and members of the Executive Board will refrain from publicly endorsing any candidate running in a partisan race not running on the Democratic Ticket. Such an endorsement will be considered malfeasance of office.
b. With concurrence of three-fourths (3/4) of its membership after notice and hearing, the State Party Administrative Committee may, for adequate reason, expel a member of this county unit.
Section 3. a. Any officeholder removed under Article 6, Section 1, shall receive a written notice of such removal and shall have the right to appeal such removal at the next regular membership meeting following receipt of said notice. The officeholder has the right to appear at such meeting and defend his/her position. After such appeal, the membership by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present, may reverse the decision of the Executive Board.
b. Failure of the removed officeholder to appeal the decision of the Executive Board to the next regular membership meeting, as herein provided for, shall disqualify the officeholder from a later appeal.
Section 4. In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Board:
a. If the chairpersonship becomes vacant, the first Vice-Chair moves up to fill the chairpersonship and the second and third vice chairs move up one rank.
b. Vacancies in the vice chairpersonship(s) require that an election be held in accordance with Article 7, Section 1.
c. Other vacancies shall be filled by the Executive Board with a two-thirds vote of the quorum at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
d. All vacancies filled by the Executive Board shall be brought to the membership for approval at the next regularly scheduled membership meeting.
Article 7. Nominations and Elections
Section 1. A Nominating and Election Committee consisting of five (5) members shall be elected by the membership at the September meeting of the odd-numbered years. No candidate for elective office shall be eligible to serve on the Nominating and Election Committee. Acceptance of nominations for the Nominating and Election Committee by any member must be by verbal consent of so-nominated member present at this meeting, or by written consent to the Secretary before starting nominations.
a. This committee shall serve for a period of two (2) years, and shall preside over all nominations and elections.
b. This committee shall elect its own chair.
Section 2. a. The Nominating and Election Committee may present a slate of qualified candidates, provided they have obtained written permission of these candidates to place their names in nomination. The slate may present more than one candidate for each position to be filled. This slate shall be presented at the regular October membership meeting preceding the election in November. Any nominated individual on this slate must be a member in good standing of the DPW at the date of his/her nomination.
b. Nominations from the floor at the October membership meeting may be accepted in person by the so-nominated member present at this meeting, or nominations may be accepted by the nominee in writing, delivered to the Secretary before nominations are requested, at the October membership meeting preceding the November election. Any nominated individual must be a member in good standing of the DPW at the date of his/her nomination.
c. In the event a full slate is not nominated, the Executive Board may fill any vacancy(ies) at the next regular board meeting.
d. It shall then become the duty of this committee to have printed in ballot form the names of all candidates for the various offices and distribute same to the membership at the November general election.
e. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall set the time, date and place of the November election.
f All members shall be informed in writing of the time, place and voting hours not less than 10 days prior to the election.
g. All members shall be checked against the list of members of the organization and all such members in good standing, that is whose dues have been paid for the current year, shall be eligible to vote.
h. A member’s dues and application card must be received by the Secretary at least five (5) days prior to the monthly meeting at which an election will be held before a member is eligible to vote in said election.
Section 3. The nomination and election of delegates to the district and state conventions shall be held at the regular monthly membership meeting prior to the month of the district convention., The delegates elected shall attend both conventions. In the event that there are not a sufficient number of delegates elected at the meeting, the Executive Board shall have the authority to complete the number of delegates allocated to the county unit.
Article 8. Duties of the Officers
Section 1. The Chair shall preside over all meetings of this organization including all Executive Board meetings. The Chair shall sign all checks for expenditures of funds from this organization. The Chair shall be ex-officio member of all committees. The Chair shall be official spokesperson for the Party.
Section 2. The three (3) Vice-Chairs shall assist the Chair when requested by the Chair to do so.
a. The First Vice-Chair in the absence, resignation or removal of the Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair.
b. The Second Vice-Chair in the absence, resignation or removal of the First-Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the First Vice-Chair.
c. The Third Vice-Chair in the absence, resignation or removal of the Second Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Second Vice-Chair.
Section 3. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of this organization. The Secretary shall keep an up-to-date membership list of its members and send out membership cards to all members, and the call for all meetings of this organization, The Secretary shall also keep a roll call of attendance at the Executive Board meetings and also a record of all correspondence. [The Secretary or his/her designate shall publish the newsletter; any designate shall be approved by the Chair.]
Section 4. The Treasurer shall keep all records of all finances of this organization and report the income and expenditures each month to the membership. The Treasurer shall be bonded in the amount of $2,000.00. The Treasurer shall sign all checks for current expenditures, i.e., hall rent, postage, paper, normal operating expenses, and any other expenditure authorized by the Executive Board or membership. The Treasurer shall serve on the Finance Committee.
Section 5. The Trustees shall be responsible for obtaining an annual audit of the financial records of the county unit and reporting to the Executive Board and membership the current financial status and findings of the audit. The Trustees shall serve on the Finance Committee. The Trustees and/or Executive Board may request an audit by a certified public accountant.
Section 6. The Sergeants-at-Arms shall assist the Chair in preserving order when called upon to do so. They shall take an attendance record of all those present at the membership meetings and perform other duties assigned to them by the Chair.
Section 7. The Executive Board members shall attend all meetings of the Executive Board and Membership and perform those duties assigned to them by the Chair.
Article 9. Committees
Section 1. This county unit shall have the following Standing Committees appointed by the Chair and subject to the approval of the Executive Board and Membership:
a. Constitution Committee
b. Finance Committee
c. Fund Raising Committee
d. Membership Committee
e. Public Relations Committee
f. Issues Committee
g. Resolutions and Platform Committee
h. Candidates Committee
i. Statutory Committee
j. Youth Caucus
All correspondence or any matter pertaining to any committee shall be referred to that committee, and said committee shall report to the Executive Board and the membership.
Section 2. Any other committees, which may be needed from time to time, shall be appointed by the Chair.
Section 3. All committee members are required to attend a reasonable number of monthly meetings of this county unit. The committee members are also required to attend their respective committee meetings.
Section 4. Duties of Standing Committees.
a. Constitution.
It shall be the duty of this committee to review the Constitution annually and prepare any changes deemed necessary. The Constitution Committee shall consider any amendments to the Constitution, submitted in writing by any member. The Chair of this committee shall report on the proposed Constitutional amendments and the findings and recommendations of the Committee to the membership.
b. Finance
The Finance Committee shall prepare and present to the Executive Board and, upon their approval, to the membership, an annual budget by the March Board meeting of each year.
c. Fundraising
The Fundraising Committee shall organize and promote fundraising activities and solicitation.
d. Membership
The Membership Committee shall promote memberships in the Democratic Party and promote attendance at regular meetings.
e. Public Relations
The Public Relations Committee shall issue press releases on affairs of the party and political activities of its members and shall be responsible for obtaining speakers for regular meetings when needed and for other activities for the party when a speaker is desired.
f. Issues
The Issues Committee shall keep the membership informed on current issues, including legislation, of pertinent interest.
g. Resolutions and Platforms
The Resolutions and Platform Committee shall brief the membership on resolutions and platform considerations by the State Party and obtain their views and recommendations for the State Party.
h. Candidates
The Candidates Committee shall encourage Democrats to run for public office and encourage voter registration and voting.
i. Statutory Committee
The Statutory Committee shall ensure that there is an adequate of DPRC members serving at the polls on election day.
j. Youth Caucus
The Youth Caucus shall organize political clubs at both the high school and college levels. It shall encourage youth (ages 14-25 years old) to become active in the DPRC.
Article 10. Meetings
Section 1. a. "Regular meetings of this organization shall be held at least once a month, excepting in the month of November in the odd-numbered years, when a general election may be held in lieu of a regular membership meeting. Regular meetings shall be held on a fixed day or date of each month. The Executive Board, with the approval of the membership, may change the time and place of the regular monthly meeting."
b. Special Membership meetings may be called by the Chair, or by written request of six (6) members of the Executive Board by signed declaration to the Secretary; or by any fifteen (15) members by signed declaration to the Secretary, who in turn must send out a written notice of the meeting. The notice must state the time, place and the purpose for which the meeting is called. Five (5) days written notification is required.
Section 2. a. The Executive Board shall meet at least once a month at such times and places as it may determine. The time and place of standing meetings shall be determined at the 1st meeting in January of the even numbered years.
b. Special Executive Board meetings may be called by the Chair, or upon the written request of six (6) members of the Executive Board. The Secretary must send out a written notice of the meeting stating the time, place and the purpose for which the meeting is called. Three (3) days written notice is required.
Article 11. Order of Business and Quorum
Section 1. The following shall be the established order of business for all meetings of the Executive Board and membership meetings:
a. Salute to the Flag
b. Roll Call of Officers and Executive Board Members
c. Minutes of the Previous Meeting-Correspondence
d. Financial Report
e. Report of Officers and Committees
f. Unfinished Business
g. New Business
h. Good and Welfare
i. Speakers
j. Adjournment
Section 2. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the conduct of all meetings of this organization.
Section 3. A quorum for a membership meeting shall be fifteen (15) members.
Section 4. A quorum for an Executive Board meeting shall be over one-third (1/3) of the total membership of the Executive Board.
Section 5. If a question of quorum is raised at a meeting, it shall be the duty of the Chair to ascertain if a quorum is present. In the event no quorum is present, then the meeting shall be adjourned. All business conducted prior to the time a quorum count is called for shall be deemed as legally conducted business of the county unit.
Article 12. Amendments
Section 1. All proposed amendments to the Constitution of this county unit must be submitted in writing to the Constitution Committee of this county unit, which shall make its recommendations to the membership for its consideration.
Section 2. Amendments to this Constitution shall require two readings and the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at the meeting called for the that purpose. Notice of the meeting shall follow the same requirements as an election meeting.
Section 3. This Constitution is at all times subservient to the Constitution of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.
Article 13. Bylaws
The membership may adopt bylaws upon the recommendation of the Constitution Committee and Executive Board.
Constitution Committee
Carl L. Lassiter, Jr., Chair
Amended May 14, 2012
All provisions of the constitution of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin governing county organizations are incorporate herein by reference and made a part hereof.
Article 2. Name
This organization shall be known as the Democratic Party of Racine County, State of Wisconsin, hereinafter called the DPRC.
Article 3. Object and Principles
1. To develop the fullest possible membership in the county unit.
2. To hold regularly schedule meetings.
3. To encourage Democrats to run for elective office.
4. To form and maintain an effective campaign organization.
5. To make recommendations for the State Party platform.
6. To educate our members in the practices of good citizenship and responsibility to the community.
7. To promote the general interests of the Democratic Party.
Article 4. Membership
Section 1. Membership in this county unit shall be open to all residents of Racine County who:
a. Are at least 14 years of age.
b. Subscribe to the principles of the Democratic Party.
c. Pay dues to either the DPRC or the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.
Section 2. The published membership list of the county unit shall be available to any paid member of the Democratic Party of the State of Wisconsin at the discretion of the Executive Board of the Democratic Party of Racine County. Members who do not wish to have their names included in the published list shall so notify the Secretary of the Democratic Party of Racine County.
Article 5. Officers, Trustees, and Executive Board Members
Section 1. This organization shall have the following officers:
a. Chair
b. First Vice-Chair
c. Second Vice-Chair
d. Third Vice-Chair
e. Secretary
f. Treasurer
g. Trustees (2)
h. Sergeant-at-Arms (2)
i. Executive Board Members-at-Large (3)
Section 2. a. The above named officeholders shall be elected for a period of two (2) years by a secret ballot vote of the membership on the day when the regularly scheduled meeting would be held in November of the odd-numbered years.
b. All elections shall be decided by a plurality vote. The winner of the election shall be the candidate who receives the greatest proportion of the votes.
c. The term of office for the above office holders shall commence on January 1st of the even numbered year following the November election. The term of office shall end December 31st of the odd numbered years following the next November election.
d. Each office is elected separately. A member can only run for one office in a single election.
Section 3. The Executive Board of this county unit shall consist of the following:
a. All the officers as stated in Article 5. Section 1.
b. All Standing Committee chairs shall be members of this Executive Board with voice and vote.
c. The Racine County Democratic Statutory Committee Chair shall be a member of the Executive Board with voice and vote.
d. The Chair of the Democratic Youth Caucus of Racine County shall be a member of this Executive Board with voice and vote.
e. The Chair of this county unit shall have the authority to appoint one (1) duty qualified Democrat from each city, incorporated village and township in Racine County, who shall be members of the Executive Board with voice but no vote.
Section 4. The Executive Board shall have the authority to act between membership meetings and the authority to disburse funds in accordance with the objectives of the Democratic Party of Racine County.
Article 6. Removal of Officers and Committee Chairs, Replacement of Officers, Committee Chairs and/Or Expulsion of Members
Section 1. Any officeholder and/or committee chair of the DPRC may be removed from office when any of the following apply:
a. Any officeholder and/or committee chair missing three (3) consecutive meetings of the Executive Board without a valid excuse may be suspended from that office. Excuses are to be ruled upon by the Executive Board. The attendance record of all officers and Executive Board members shall be recorded by the Secretary in the official records of that meeting by the DPRC. A request to be excused must be made to the Chair or Secretary prior to the meeting.
b. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board quorum may remove an Executive Board member, committee chair or officer for malfeasance of office.
c. Any officer, committee chair or Executive Board member may be removed for failure to pay dues within 30 days of membership expiration in the current year.
Section 2. a. Any member of this county unit, as an individual, may endorse any candidate.
Officers and members of the Executive Board will refrain from publicly endorsing any candidate running in a partisan race not running on the Democratic Ticket. Such an endorsement will be considered malfeasance of office.
b. With concurrence of three-fourths (3/4) of its membership after notice and hearing, the State Party Administrative Committee may, for adequate reason, expel a member of this county unit.
Section 3. a. Any officeholder removed under Article 6, Section 1, shall receive a written notice of such removal and shall have the right to appeal such removal at the next regular membership meeting following receipt of said notice. The officeholder has the right to appear at such meeting and defend his/her position. After such appeal, the membership by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present, may reverse the decision of the Executive Board.
b. Failure of the removed officeholder to appeal the decision of the Executive Board to the next regular membership meeting, as herein provided for, shall disqualify the officeholder from a later appeal.
Section 4. In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Board:
a. If the chairpersonship becomes vacant, the first Vice-Chair moves up to fill the chairpersonship and the second and third vice chairs move up one rank.
b. Vacancies in the vice chairpersonship(s) require that an election be held in accordance with Article 7, Section 1.
c. Other vacancies shall be filled by the Executive Board with a two-thirds vote of the quorum at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
d. All vacancies filled by the Executive Board shall be brought to the membership for approval at the next regularly scheduled membership meeting.
Article 7. Nominations and Elections
Section 1. A Nominating and Election Committee consisting of five (5) members shall be elected by the membership at the September meeting of the odd-numbered years. No candidate for elective office shall be eligible to serve on the Nominating and Election Committee. Acceptance of nominations for the Nominating and Election Committee by any member must be by verbal consent of so-nominated member present at this meeting, or by written consent to the Secretary before starting nominations.
a. This committee shall serve for a period of two (2) years, and shall preside over all nominations and elections.
b. This committee shall elect its own chair.
Section 2. a. The Nominating and Election Committee may present a slate of qualified candidates, provided they have obtained written permission of these candidates to place their names in nomination. The slate may present more than one candidate for each position to be filled. This slate shall be presented at the regular October membership meeting preceding the election in November. Any nominated individual on this slate must be a member in good standing of the DPW at the date of his/her nomination.
b. Nominations from the floor at the October membership meeting may be accepted in person by the so-nominated member present at this meeting, or nominations may be accepted by the nominee in writing, delivered to the Secretary before nominations are requested, at the October membership meeting preceding the November election. Any nominated individual must be a member in good standing of the DPW at the date of his/her nomination.
c. In the event a full slate is not nominated, the Executive Board may fill any vacancy(ies) at the next regular board meeting.
d. It shall then become the duty of this committee to have printed in ballot form the names of all candidates for the various offices and distribute same to the membership at the November general election.
e. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall set the time, date and place of the November election.
f All members shall be informed in writing of the time, place and voting hours not less than 10 days prior to the election.
g. All members shall be checked against the list of members of the organization and all such members in good standing, that is whose dues have been paid for the current year, shall be eligible to vote.
h. A member’s dues and application card must be received by the Secretary at least five (5) days prior to the monthly meeting at which an election will be held before a member is eligible to vote in said election.
Section 3. The nomination and election of delegates to the district and state conventions shall be held at the regular monthly membership meeting prior to the month of the district convention., The delegates elected shall attend both conventions. In the event that there are not a sufficient number of delegates elected at the meeting, the Executive Board shall have the authority to complete the number of delegates allocated to the county unit.
Article 8. Duties of the Officers
Section 1. The Chair shall preside over all meetings of this organization including all Executive Board meetings. The Chair shall sign all checks for expenditures of funds from this organization. The Chair shall be ex-officio member of all committees. The Chair shall be official spokesperson for the Party.
Section 2. The three (3) Vice-Chairs shall assist the Chair when requested by the Chair to do so.
a. The First Vice-Chair in the absence, resignation or removal of the Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair.
b. The Second Vice-Chair in the absence, resignation or removal of the First-Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the First Vice-Chair.
c. The Third Vice-Chair in the absence, resignation or removal of the Second Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Second Vice-Chair.
Section 3. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of this organization. The Secretary shall keep an up-to-date membership list of its members and send out membership cards to all members, and the call for all meetings of this organization, The Secretary shall also keep a roll call of attendance at the Executive Board meetings and also a record of all correspondence. [The Secretary or his/her designate shall publish the newsletter; any designate shall be approved by the Chair.]
Section 4. The Treasurer shall keep all records of all finances of this organization and report the income and expenditures each month to the membership. The Treasurer shall be bonded in the amount of $2,000.00. The Treasurer shall sign all checks for current expenditures, i.e., hall rent, postage, paper, normal operating expenses, and any other expenditure authorized by the Executive Board or membership. The Treasurer shall serve on the Finance Committee.
Section 5. The Trustees shall be responsible for obtaining an annual audit of the financial records of the county unit and reporting to the Executive Board and membership the current financial status and findings of the audit. The Trustees shall serve on the Finance Committee. The Trustees and/or Executive Board may request an audit by a certified public accountant.
Section 6. The Sergeants-at-Arms shall assist the Chair in preserving order when called upon to do so. They shall take an attendance record of all those present at the membership meetings and perform other duties assigned to them by the Chair.
Section 7. The Executive Board members shall attend all meetings of the Executive Board and Membership and perform those duties assigned to them by the Chair.
Article 9. Committees
Section 1. This county unit shall have the following Standing Committees appointed by the Chair and subject to the approval of the Executive Board and Membership:
a. Constitution Committee
b. Finance Committee
c. Fund Raising Committee
d. Membership Committee
e. Public Relations Committee
f. Issues Committee
g. Resolutions and Platform Committee
h. Candidates Committee
i. Statutory Committee
j. Youth Caucus
All correspondence or any matter pertaining to any committee shall be referred to that committee, and said committee shall report to the Executive Board and the membership.
Section 2. Any other committees, which may be needed from time to time, shall be appointed by the Chair.
Section 3. All committee members are required to attend a reasonable number of monthly meetings of this county unit. The committee members are also required to attend their respective committee meetings.
Section 4. Duties of Standing Committees.
a. Constitution.
It shall be the duty of this committee to review the Constitution annually and prepare any changes deemed necessary. The Constitution Committee shall consider any amendments to the Constitution, submitted in writing by any member. The Chair of this committee shall report on the proposed Constitutional amendments and the findings and recommendations of the Committee to the membership.
b. Finance
The Finance Committee shall prepare and present to the Executive Board and, upon their approval, to the membership, an annual budget by the March Board meeting of each year.
c. Fundraising
The Fundraising Committee shall organize and promote fundraising activities and solicitation.
d. Membership
The Membership Committee shall promote memberships in the Democratic Party and promote attendance at regular meetings.
e. Public Relations
The Public Relations Committee shall issue press releases on affairs of the party and political activities of its members and shall be responsible for obtaining speakers for regular meetings when needed and for other activities for the party when a speaker is desired.
f. Issues
The Issues Committee shall keep the membership informed on current issues, including legislation, of pertinent interest.
g. Resolutions and Platforms
The Resolutions and Platform Committee shall brief the membership on resolutions and platform considerations by the State Party and obtain their views and recommendations for the State Party.
h. Candidates
The Candidates Committee shall encourage Democrats to run for public office and encourage voter registration and voting.
i. Statutory Committee
The Statutory Committee shall ensure that there is an adequate of DPRC members serving at the polls on election day.
j. Youth Caucus
The Youth Caucus shall organize political clubs at both the high school and college levels. It shall encourage youth (ages 14-25 years old) to become active in the DPRC.
Article 10. Meetings
Section 1. a. "Regular meetings of this organization shall be held at least once a month, excepting in the month of November in the odd-numbered years, when a general election may be held in lieu of a regular membership meeting. Regular meetings shall be held on a fixed day or date of each month. The Executive Board, with the approval of the membership, may change the time and place of the regular monthly meeting."
b. Special Membership meetings may be called by the Chair, or by written request of six (6) members of the Executive Board by signed declaration to the Secretary; or by any fifteen (15) members by signed declaration to the Secretary, who in turn must send out a written notice of the meeting. The notice must state the time, place and the purpose for which the meeting is called. Five (5) days written notification is required.
Section 2. a. The Executive Board shall meet at least once a month at such times and places as it may determine. The time and place of standing meetings shall be determined at the 1st meeting in January of the even numbered years.
b. Special Executive Board meetings may be called by the Chair, or upon the written request of six (6) members of the Executive Board. The Secretary must send out a written notice of the meeting stating the time, place and the purpose for which the meeting is called. Three (3) days written notice is required.
Article 11. Order of Business and Quorum
Section 1. The following shall be the established order of business for all meetings of the Executive Board and membership meetings:
a. Salute to the Flag
b. Roll Call of Officers and Executive Board Members
c. Minutes of the Previous Meeting-Correspondence
d. Financial Report
e. Report of Officers and Committees
f. Unfinished Business
g. New Business
h. Good and Welfare
i. Speakers
j. Adjournment
Section 2. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the conduct of all meetings of this organization.
Section 3. A quorum for a membership meeting shall be fifteen (15) members.
Section 4. A quorum for an Executive Board meeting shall be over one-third (1/3) of the total membership of the Executive Board.
Section 5. If a question of quorum is raised at a meeting, it shall be the duty of the Chair to ascertain if a quorum is present. In the event no quorum is present, then the meeting shall be adjourned. All business conducted prior to the time a quorum count is called for shall be deemed as legally conducted business of the county unit.
Article 12. Amendments
Section 1. All proposed amendments to the Constitution of this county unit must be submitted in writing to the Constitution Committee of this county unit, which shall make its recommendations to the membership for its consideration.
Section 2. Amendments to this Constitution shall require two readings and the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at the meeting called for the that purpose. Notice of the meeting shall follow the same requirements as an election meeting.
Section 3. This Constitution is at all times subservient to the Constitution of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin.
Article 13. Bylaws
The membership may adopt bylaws upon the recommendation of the Constitution Committee and Executive Board.
Constitution Committee
Carl L. Lassiter, Jr., Chair
Amended May 14, 2012